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What's on in our wild world 

As creatives, we take inspiration from all over and we enjoy keeping our fingers on the pulse for everything in the world of arts, culture, food, music and travel. We like to share our wild world with those who have similar passions as us, or for those who just want to know a little more about our wild world. 
Here in our journal space, we share some of the things we love, the experiences we remember and everything you need to feel inspired by our wild world. From reading about why Peonies are one of our favourite flowers, to hearing about a recent day out at a new local hotel, enjoy our stories here. 

Mental Health Awareness Week

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

Mental Health Awareness week is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, who have a mission to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health with a vision of good mental health for all.

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health and something we've been engaging with this week as looking after our mental health is something which is incredibly important to us.

The week took place from the 10-16 May with the theme being 'nature', encouraging everyone to connect with nature.

If the last year has taught us anything, connecting with nature is something that has helped to keep us going more than ever, both personally and professionally. Running a floristry business means we know first hand just how beneficial nature can be to wellbeing. Research by the Mental Health Foundation has shown that connecting with nature has been one of the most popular ways people have tried to sustain good mental health during the challenging times we've recently experienced.

In our personal lives, you may have seen our weekly walks we shared during the months of lockdown and posting photos of the different florals in blooms we would spot on our daily walks. We all started to enjoy and appreciate our local area more than ever and felt so lucky to have so many wonderful spots on our doorstep to explore.

It was wonderful that during a time when we were disconnected from those close to us, we could be connected through nature and shared our different nature spots online for others to also enjoy. From sunsets, to blossom trees!

Nature is something that surrounds us and something we have made a conscious effort to take in over the last 12months - helping us to just pause and enjoy those moments. It's something we'll continue to make time for.

Running a business at times can be overwhelming, but here at wild about flowers we all appreciated and enjoyed those moments to connect with nature; reminding us of the beauty in the world, even on the darker days and the importance to take time out for yourself.

We've also enjoyed working on the wild about flowers garden the last year and are just starting to see all the different blooms appear that we have planted. Our vision for the garden is to be able to create a space that we can share with others and offer an enjoyable natural space for the community. Whether this is hosting flower workshops or inviting a local school to learn more about planting and share some of our knowledge on growing blooms.

With a spotlight on mental health, the last 12 months have helped us to realise the importance of balance. You may have noticed we have re-opened our floral home with slightly different hours.,

This has allowed us to refocus and refine our business, giving the right effort and resource to the different areas of business when it needs it and most of all, giving us the time and energy we need to evolve and grow wild about flowers in the directions we want it to.

Behind our business is a family, and real people who put their mind, heart, body and soul into their passion but we need to allow time for ourselves too.

We hope our floral home helps to bring some joy to others and you've managed to connect with nature in some way this week.

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